Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24 "YT" Bay-Bee!! Alaska Hwy, Bay-Bee!!

I spent the biggest portion of the day finishing up the drive on the Cassiar Hwy, aka 37. It was so beautiful, especially the part south of Good Hope. It was sooo beautiful, I thought about adding two days to the trip by turning around and driving south and then driving north again. Everyone should see this part of the Earth (or something like it), but … I hesitate in the same breath. It’s like recommending an excellent yet little-known restaurant. The next time you go in, the friends-of-your-friends have all spread the word so well that you have to wait, they’re overworked and underpaid all of a sudden, and it’s just never the same again. So just know: the mosquitoes are vicious, the bears are ferocious, and the eagles will carry away your little dog. For a snack. Anything under 22 pounds. I saw a black bear crossing the road this morning and later on, I also saw, right in the middle of the road, a huge pile of shit. Don’t know who left it, but whoever did, eats quite a bit. Maybe 22 lb dog snacks. :) I stopped at Jade City in the middle of the day. Angel, Girlfriend, this is where we need to shop! Talk about your cold jade stone! Not a drop of plastic in it! They supply something like 92% of the world's jade. The girl in the shop said that the jade is mined, but that after frost heaves in the winter, big jade rocks come up to the surface (no mining necessary). After I left there and kept seeing large green rocks on the side of the road, I kept wanting to stop to get one or two! Probably I would have ended up with "fools jade"! LOL Eventually, I reached the end of the Cassiar Hwy and took a left on the Alaska Hwy and drove for about another hour before reaching my camping location this evening at the Contintental Divide RV Park in Swift River, Yukon Territory. That’s right! You read that right: I’m in the Yukon Territory, Bay-Bee! The ole “YT”! How cool is that!? The truck and camper got pretty filthy today (on a dirt road off and on for about ? hmm 1.5 hours?) so I spent the first campground hour washing them. That got me filthy, but that’s okay, 4th day in black jeans, time for a change anyway.


  1. hahaha, I love how you try to make me not want to go there - and then dive into the jade that is literally being birthed from the earth =)

    Is it cold at all in that part of the world? And hey, are you applying for that 'I live in alaska so give me x thousand dollars?' Is that just a myth?

  2. Hey Jhaysonn!!

    No it's not cold at all!! And yes, $$$$'s in the mail to live here!! hahaha

    Actually, I've been wearing a light jacket in the morning and evenings. And the dollars are paid out based on residency from Jan-Dec. So I'll apply, and then we'll see if I'm here for the Sept-Dec 2010 part. It varies, but around about $1500 per year, I hear.

    I like the part about "birthing jade"!
