Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29 Arrival in Anchorage! aka “the Banana Belt”. Seriously!

I only had about a two hour drive to get into town today, but I managed to stretch it out to an all day event, almost. I started by chatting with some folks at the campground this morning after a late breakfast. One gentleman told me that the Anchorage area is warm in the winter, compared to the rest of the state, and therefore known locally as the Banana Belt. Wheew! And I thought cold was going to be a factor! :) Then I moseyed down the trail a bit, checking out the Matanuska Glacier on the way. In the picture selection, I’ve included some of the signs that are along the viewing trail. I missed taking a picture of a really neat one that explains how the glacier grinds the mountain down into a very fine silt, called loess. The summertime winds blow loess around all over the valley. There is a lot of farming in this valley; it was part of the New Deal during the 30’s and Midwestern farmers settled here. I was just struck by the interaction of the Five Phases: Water grinds Metal, Wind carries Metal all about, Metal enriches Earth, Fire lights the midnight sky. Result: giant vegetables at the fair! Also, I’m hoping, regular-sized, mineral-rich ones at the farmer’s market. After the glacier pictures, there is one showing the road coming into Palmer and then a couple on the freeway into Anchorage. (They have a freeway here! Six lanes!) I didn’t take any pictures in ANC proper other than the camper, as there will be plenty of that within the next couple of weeks. Upon arrival, I went to my friend Reeda’s house and set my camper up. Thank you for a place to land, Reeda! I mean to tell you – I unhitched the Aliner AND put the legs down. That’s about as permanent as pulling the wheels off a double-wide in FL!! :) Then when I was driving around town afterwards, I felt so short! so incomplete! and so not used to looking in the rear view mirror! and so brilliantly-neon-conspicuous with a solitary FL license plate! So, …, …, this concludes the daily travel blog, the key word here being “daily”. Maybe the other key word is “travel”. :) It’s been fun, eh? I will still be putting stuff out here from time to time and may even develop a routine, like once a week, eventually. I imagine that when Bryan, Deet, et al, are here for the last two weeks in July, that I will be updating more frequently, as we will be heavily engaged in the tourist-thing during that time. Spying on Bears; Sneaking Up on Fish. In the meantime, I’ll be checking out a new cell phone and doing laundry and finding Fred Meyers and the library and the health food store and the thrift store and the yoga studio and hopefully, a local Nourishing Traditions group. There is free Tai Chi in the park on Saturdays, offered by the local massage school, so I plan to attend this weekend. Also, I’m looking forward to meeting some of the people on my Alaska Living yahoo group. So, more-or-less, regular stuff. And now, (via a church sign), a message from our Sponsor: God Wants Spiritual Fruits Not Religious Nuts.

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